Robe Subsidiaries
Business Development
Before installation and rigging of devices, make always sure to read instructions provided in documentation.
We would like to remind you that it is always important to read and follow documentation as provided in the User manual for each device. Before you proceed with rigging and installation of the iPointe65®, be aware that the user manual specifically mentions allowed installation positions and lists allowed and not allowed installation positions.
Service manuals for Robin iFORTE® and Robin PAINTE® had been released as well as important software updates for many devices including the iFORTE® and LEDBeam 350™. Read on for more details.
Here is an update on the status of Robe GDTF development, read on for more details.
We have released software updates for several Robin series devices to improve color mixing, add smoother framing shutters movement and enhance gobo wheel behavior. Read on for more details.
Before installation and rigging of devices, make always sure to read instructions provided in documentation.
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