North America / EN


Spikie+® | ROBE lighting


Retaining the fast-moving, compact design of the original, the new Spikie+® generates 25% more lumen output from its single 60W RGBW source, giving you even more impact!


Light source


Light output

1.550 lm, 11.000 lx @ 5 m

Zoom range



MCFE™ - Multi-Coloured Flower Effects (patented), Colour Rainbow Effect, 3 Facet Prism

DataSwatch™ - inbuilt virtual colour library
DataSwatch™ - inbuilt virtual colour library

The DataSwatch™ inbuilt virtual colour library for Robe LED fixtures consists of up to 237 pre-programmed and calibrated colours and tones, allowing for rapid and accurate programming.

MCFE™ - Multi Coloured Flower Effect
MCFE™ - Multi Coloured Flower Effect

The Robe patented MCFE™ – Multi-Coloured Flower Effect – creates sharp, multi-coloured spikes of light, that are fully rotatable in both directions, at variable speeds.

L3™ - Low Light Linearity System
L3™ - Low Light Linearity System

The L3™ Low Light Linearity System produces imperceptible, ultra-smooth fades to black.

GDTF – General Device Type Format
GDTF – General Device Type Format

The General Device Type Format creates a unified definition for exchange of data for the operation of intelligent luminaries, such as moving lights. The file format is human readable and developed using open source formats.

Tungsten Emulation
Tungsten Emulation

When selected, the luminaire will mimic the colour temperature of a tungsten lamp as you lower the output to produce that classic warm glow.

Product Video

Technical Specification

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